You don’t need the type of confidence that comes from fitting in --
you need an unshakeable faith in knowing who you are and what you're here to do.
• Monthly investment: $750/m or $1,250/m for 12 months
It’s time to stop playing small so that people around you can feel comfortable and start cultivating Divine Confidence so that no matter what’s happening in the world outside of you, you're grounded in a powerful knowing of who you are, and what you’re here to do.
This is for you if:
You’re consumed with self-doubt and insecurities and it’s burning you up inside because you know in your bones you’re here to do so much more.
You are constantly comparing yourself to others and/or looking outside of you for validation--and you want to stop
You’re frustrated, floundering, and flying under the radar
You compulsively play small in all areas of your life even though you know you have something valuable to contribute
You have a nagging feeling you are being called to do something totally different, maybe even outside the box, but you don’t know where to start (or even if you should)
Or maybe you just feel a massive void in your life and your soul is screaming for more.
I want you to know you’re not alone, and it’s not your fault.
It pummels us with lies and illusions that we need to “be” this, or purchase that, in order to be ok.
This onslaught of endless marketing and distorted messaging is inescapable as brands, companies, and corporations now live within our cellphones and flog us with advertisements with each click and scroll.
Within the consumer culture, materialism and over-consumption are not only encouraged, it's glamorized.
Success, power, beauty—and even love—have been tied to our ability to buy, own, sell (and show off) material goods, stripping these spiritual qualities of their true meaning.
Convinced that our self-worth is tied to money, possessions, and status, we’ve grown an insatiable appetite for more, more, more.
Whatever we have—and look around, it’s a lot—is never enough!
This rampant consumerism drives the motivations and desires of our culture and we find ourselves sinking under its demands.
So even though we have so much to offer—and are one of the most prosperous societies in the world with access to the greatest resources—we find ourselves tormented by the feelings of scarcity and lack.
These feelings of inadequacy draw us away from developing our true inner gifts and talents and strip us of our ability to show up powerfully and make our Divine Contribution to the world.
In fact, this is quite the opposite. This is about:
Becoming crystal clear about your Divine Desires—not the ones imposed on you by the consumer capitalist culture—and going after them with wild abandon!
Harnessing your unique gifts, talents, and skills and so that you can make a greater difference in the world and in the lives of those around you
Nurturing a sweet, intimate relationship with Spirit and learning how to fully trust and surrender to our infinitely powerful Creator who is always responding to our every thought, feeling, need, and desire.
Taking ownership of your life so that you are no longer a victim to the world of circumstances outside of you, but you’re creating your life, and our future, with the Divinity with you.
Basically, this about being a badass motherfucker.
I serve the Spiritual Nonconformist, the misfit, the misunderstood.
In other words, the changemaker.
I’m a Licensed Spiritual Practitioner, Confidence Coach, speaker, and founder of The School of Divine Confidence.
For over ten years I've applied what I know about behavioral change and spiritual transformation to help my clients create radical change in their lives.
I've worked with people all around the world, from all walks of life, and even had the honor of serving as a coach and mentor on the set of Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson’s motivational reality TV show called “Wake Up Call.”
But once upon a time, I was a convicted drug offender facing three years in state prison.
Chronically overweight and addicted to drugs, alcohol, and abusive relationships, I lived in the shadows of shame.
I truly believed I was not worthy of love, respect, or power.
But something told me otherwise, and I listened.
I’m not supposed to fit in.
I’m supposed to carve my own path.
Define my own beliefs.
Master my own superpowers.
Something told me I was a badass motherfucker, and I bet you are too.
The constant focus on consumerism and materialism stifles our development as spiritual beings and reinforces the oppressive systems that keep us playing small. Left unquestioned and unexamined, these systems dictate how we live and what to value. Therefore, we must take an honest (and sobering) look at the systems of thought-control that permeate our lives and infiltrate our thoughts at the deepest level.
In this module, we will:
Begin the process of deprogramming ourselves from the grips of consumer capitalism so that we can regain a sense of control in our lives that often seems completely manipulated by the outside world.
Uncover the truth about fear, scarcity and separation and why it’s manufactured, or created, by the established order so that we can become independent, critical thinkers and build mastery over our reactions and emotions.
Gain a deeper understanding of the role of media in our lives and how it influences, manipulates and controls the public consciousness (including our ideas of success, power, and beauty), and what to do about it so that you can find your own sense of peace and calm amongst the tsunami of media messaging that often drowns us.
Explore the ways in which you are being called to disrupt the established order in a way that aligns with your natural aptitudes so that you can begin practicing nonconformist spirituality in a way that both stretches you and is practical for your everyday life
You have a Spiritual Birthright that no one can take from you. Your Spiritual Birthright is the highest template of who you are—it is the God-Power expressing Itself uniquely through you, because you are like no one else in the way that you have been created.
When you’re unconscious of this God-Power that lives within you, it’s easy to take on other peoples’ opinions and ideas of who you should be and how you should live your life, and you end up repressing your Divine Confidence.
That’s why you must claim your Spiritual Birthright, and own it. But where does this come from? And where has it been all your life?
The Truth is it’s been there all along.
In this module, we will:
Uncover your very own, unique Spiritual Birthright. Not only is your Spiritual Birthright the Divinity fully expressed within you, it's also your guiding compass and barometer for making all of life’s biggest (and smallest) decisions. Having this template laid out before you will eliminate the uncertainty and doubt that often plagues you and holds you back from moving forward, and give you a solid foundation for which to build your life.
Learn the universal, metaphysical laws that operate through the 3 steps of the Divine Creative Process and marvel at the simplicity of how these fundamental spiritual principles express themselves in your daily life. You'll finally see how these spiritual laws have been working for you (and against you) and what you can do to leverage their magnificent powers to consistently work on your behalf (Law of Attraction has nothing on this!).
Experience a powerful, life-shifting visualization that will reveal your hidden Soul Purpose along with the fullest, most epic, version of YOU. Spoiler Alert: If it doesn’t get you excited and make you tingle all over, then it’s not it!
Discover the Three Pillars of Divine Confidence that are necessary to living a remarkable life that fulfills not just your spiritual needs—but your personal desires for more abundance, prosperity, love, connection, beauty, and whatever else your soul is authentically seeking.
95% of our thoughts are unconscious, and it’s these unconscious thoughts that control our daily actions, thoughts, and emotions. The reason you haven’t been able to accomplish your goals in the past is not because you don't have willpower, it’s because there is a hidden, false belief residing in your unconscious that is inhibiting you from doing so. We must identify what it is, allow it to come to the surface, and clear it.
Without purging and releasing what’s beneath the surface, there is no room for your Spiritual Birthright to be expressed in your life.
In this module, you will:
Master the powerful Dialogue Process that addresses the deep emotions of resentment, anger, sadness, and fear that have been lingering beneath the surface for years (don’t worry, we all have them). Most of the time we are judging ourselves for having these emotions and doing what we can to run away from them. This does incredible harm to our psyche and stunts our potential for exponential growth. This one process alone will release years of emotional weight and burden--you will immediately feel an expansion of increased energy, motivation, and personal power.
Use the “7-Second Method” to liberate yourself from the overwhelming, compulsive negative self-talk that naturally arises when starting new projects and taking on big goals. You will learn how to spot them and navigate yourself around them so that you are no longer paralyzed by the false beliefs.
Discover why problems are purposeful and why embracing them into your life will accelerate your spiritual growth and your path to joy and fulfillment.
Learn how to identify disempowering thought patterns and release them quickly so that you can reach a higher stage of spiritual awareness in every area of your life.
By Module 4, you will feel like a whole new person living in a different, more exciting world. Areas of your life that have been a struggle will begin to shift, and old obstacles will no longer be there (thank you module 3!). You’ll see more clearly the next steps that are laid out before you and you’ll realize whole new levels of possibility.
In this module, you will:
Learn how to differentiate between your Ego Desires and Divine Desires. When you get in touch with your true, Divine Desires—not the desires manufactured by the consumer capitalist culture—and align them with the omnipotent, spiritual laws of the Universe, you will begin to manifest with surprising ease and quantum speed
Delegate to God. That’s right! You will learn the practice of delegating and surrendering your deepest worries, biggest problems and hardest obstacles to Spirit so that you can embrace the state of divine flow and take action with ease.
Expand your potential to contribute to the world through your unique gifts, talents, and skills. Make no mistake about it—you are here to offer your Divine Contribution to the world, and the world is patiently waiting. At this phase you will begin to magically manifest opportunities for growth, creativity, service, and abundance out of nowhere.
Uncover the secrets to creating a powerful, magnetic personal image that magnifies the Divinity within you so that you can attract the resources and people you need with greater ease
Kat has been a shining beacon when my life was shrouded in a thick fog of uncertainty.
Her guidance, tamed with patience, intelligence and grace, has helped me get closer to the person I want to be. She has surprised me on numerous occasions with her incredible insight and inspiration. She is a trusted confidante, a role model and has now became a cherished friend. Truly, she is God’s gift to the world.
Hannah Kim
Opera Singer
I feel powerful and stable knowing that my confidence comes from an inner source.
Since working with Kat, I have become more thoughtful about my soul purpose and now use that as a fuel for my confidence. The lessons and exercises Kat provided were very helpful in connecting me with my soul purpose. Kat is knowledgable and brings compassion and fun to her work.
Oge Okoseime
Spiritual Teacher + Coach
When I began working with Kat, so much changed.
I learned that the universe is on my side, and began to trust myself and my instincts. I learned how to use meditation and energy/feelings to manifest things in my life. I learned to honor and sit with my feelings instead of judging or avoiding them. I learned that Spirit is always with me and It will never go away. I am one now hundred percent positive that I am living my purpose and that I am on my path to being the best version of myself.
Linden Griffith
Spiritual Guide + Coach